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Намерени 3 резултата за: есета по life
(Време за изпълнение: 0.2355 сек)

В разработки:
Сравнение и контраст между творбата на Робер Лоуел "Съпруг и съпруга" и Гретел Ерлих "Срещата на сърцето" (Comparison And Contrast Between Rober Lawell’s “Man And Wife” And Gretel Ehrlich’s “A Match To The Heart”)
Цена: 10 лв
Вид: есе
Рейтинг: *****
Дължина: 1 стр.
Пълно резюме: Doc format .Rtf(42KB) Html format .Html (6KB)

ключови думи: space between life and death, ...

It was 1959 when Robert Lowell completed an amazing set of poems included in a collection named “Life Studies”. ...

Контраст и сравнение между творбата на Робер Лоуел "Спруг и съпруга" и Сам Шепард "Глупав за любов" (Contrast and comparison between Robert Lowell’s “Man and Wife” and Sam Shepard’s “Fool for Love”)
Цена: 10 лв
Вид: есе
Рейтинг: *****
Дължина: 1 стр.
Пълно резюме: Doc format .Rtf(40KB) Html format .Html (6KB)

the image of the popular tranquilizer Milltown and the suggestion of “small town”. “Fool for Love” describes the difficulties of an impossible relationship. The relationship between Eddie and May does not seem possible not only because of their different temperaments and ways of life, ...

Доброто и злото в "Беоулф" (Good and Evil in “Beowulf”)
Цена: (25 лв) 23.75 лв  
Вид: есе
Рейтинг: *****
Дължина: 3 стр.
Пълно резюме: Doc format .Rtf(56KB) Html format .Html (9KB)

in its intent deeply subversive of elements at the core of its own ancient Saxon culture”. The main characters represent the good and the evil in a very simple form. Beowulf is a great hero and warrior. His king allows him to go help the king of Danes since Grendel began its attacks. Beowulf is brave and strongly desires to give his life for the good of others. The good in the poem is also represented by Wiglaf – a brave follower of Beowulf. The demon of the story – Grendel, ...

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